Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So I've been told...

Many of my friends have read the book "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller and have raved about it. After a good vote by my couples group on what should be our next book we decide to read this one! I am excited to get into it. My wife is reading one of his first books called "Prayer and the Art of Volkswagon Maintainence" which is not in print any longer but is coming out again under a new title..."Through Painted Deserts: Finding God on the Open Road." She loves it so far. Anyways, if you haven't read it or you are thinking about a good book for a small group I found a great resource connected to "Blue Like Jazz" made by Donald himself. It is much more than just questions to ponder, but it also includes some experience projects/assignments that are very cool. And the best part is that it is free to download. So if you are interested in the book, or the study guide you can check it out here... BLUELIKEJAZZ.COM. To get the study guide follow the resource links and click study guide. I'll share some of the conversations that come out of this book later!

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