Monday, July 28, 2008

getting stoned...

so the next time i'm preaching at CC will be on the 17th of august and i'm going to be looking at the story of stephen from acts6-8v1. this will be the longest grouping of scripture i've been given to preach on before. the cool thing about it is that it is a story and it is worth the read. than post the full text here i'm just going to give you a link to it. i'd love to know what you think of this story, what you know beyond him getting stoned, what hits you and moves you, what frustrates you, what questions you have, etc. and i'd love you to tell me your thoughts on this video that i might use for it.

here is the link to the text: acts6-8v1


Anonymous said...

the movie was interesting, Rich. it makes you stop and think. though plese read the words out loud. last time you had a movie and let us read the words, it felt empty. thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Rich! Sorry it took me a while to comment. I finally read the text and watched the video. For the text, I would love to hear you talk about what exactly Stephen's point was ;) What was he trying to say to the Sanhedrin in comparing them to the forefathers? A few weeks ago Andrea talked about the fear of the religious leaders, and their reaction to that fear. This text reminds me of that.

The video was good for focusing on those few verses. But there were so many images in it, I would need some discussion on the video. I didn't quite "get" the message of it when I watched it.

Rich Sclafani said...

thanks you two for your thoughts...they are helpful!