Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Jesus Camp...

Has anyone heard of this? I think I'm scared! I'd love to hear your thoughts...

Watch the trailer by clicking... here or visiting here... And then weigh-in and tell me what you think -- of the movie, of the reality it attempts to represent, or anything else that comes to mind. This should be interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is disturbing... Not the normative, but it does exist out there. The unfortunate thing about media, generally, is that the unusual, emotional, or shocking is what sells... Over time, viewers tend to believe what they see is the norm, and the TRUTH is obscured.

Have you ever had one of those one-way conversations with someone who is very passionate/angry, and unrelenting in their viewpoint, no matter what alternate perspective you offer? I find that in almost every case, the person has no actual experiences of their own... Only reiterated ones they've seen in a media prtrayal, or received from their friends.