Monday, September 18, 2006

Interesting Article in the LA Times...

Thanks to Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle for this article. It is about the founder of the Calvary Chapel movement Chuck Smith and his son Chuck Smith Jr. It has to do with how they differ in there theology and how that difference is now coming out in the way they are both pastoring church's in California. It is rich with story that to me is very powerful not only as a pastor, but as a pastor with a little baby girl. Anyways, love your thoughts!

Here is the article: LATIMES


erika said...

it was in iteresting article, thanks for posting it! it definately relates to questions that I have had about extreems and completely literal interpretations, although I also feel like going too culturally relavent and accepting isn't exactly correct either... but I have wondered about how depression fits in with christianity as well, so it was interesting to hear about a pastor who had suffered from it. as a councelor, what do you think? I mean, the tendancy seems to be toward that idea that jesus should be enough, so why depression
and the homosexuality questions or ideas that the younger pastor raised, or his viewpoints, are interesting although im not too sure what I think there
but thanks for the article

Rich Sclafani said...

hey erika,

thanks for the comment and sorry for not responding right away. Life has been busy. I'm not to sure I understand your question, but here is my stab at a response. I think one of the most beautiful things about Christianity is that it is relational, it's dynamic, and authentic. Meaning I think whether it's depression, anxiety, stress, anger, joy, passion, etc. we can and should feel comfortable being in midst of any of that being confident of God's acceptance of us and more than that his love for us. In fact, I would be scared of any pastor or Christian for that matter who said that they had never gone through times of depression. The journey of following Christ is like any relationship that has it's ups and downs, times of understanding and times of confusion. Knowing that Christ is a counselor a comforter and a friend along with being King, Savior and Lord is just one of the many things that brings me to a place of awe with regards to my relationship with Christ! Hope this makes sense! Thanks for being a faithful blogger!