Friday, June 17, 2005

Define or not to define...

Ok so back to the whole definition of "Christian Music/Artist" thing! After reading the great responses from the post "WHAT MAKES CHRISTIAN MUSIC CHRISTIAN?" I am left with some more thoughts and questions. Why do we need a "definition" of "Christian." I can't honestly put a clear cut definition to Christianity or to whether someone is a Christian or not. I can have my opinions, but can I really know and do I really need to know? I don't think so. And I don't really think God is all about labelling us CHRISTIAN or NON-CHRISTIAN (which is a word that is not even in the Bible). I think God is more concerned about us living the life we were designed to live in relationship with Him. One of justice, mission, mercy, service, sacrifice, and above all unconditional love and forgiveness.

And even more, what difference does it make if a song is "Christian" or by a "Christian Artist" or not? If it speaks truth, it draws me to a deeper understanding of God, or beckons me to worship, isn't that enough?

God influences and uses people for his glory - Christian or not. I think that is what is so amazing to me about being made in the image of God. It is not an option for us to be image-bearers. It is what we do with our image-bearing (of God) selves that is optional. When we come to a personal understanding of who we are and who God is in relationship to us, than we are more able to understand how we are to live! Then through this relationship we can follow His example, His will, His way more realistically.

O.K - talk about a rant... I am done for now! I love this! Somebody talk to me :)


Bridget Beth said...

I agree with what you're saying totally. I believe truth can be found in many forms and that God reveals himself to us in many different facets of life. Beau and I were recently talking about the Christian parallels in some literature we've been reading that is secular. CS Lewis found Christ in Greek mythology. My mom finds spiritual solace for her life in her garden when she has to prune plants to help them grow, water them, and weed.

But I would add that a "christian" is also someone who has Christ as their personal savior and Lord. The difference between someone who just believes in God or "a god" and what I think of as "Christian" is Jesus. Judaism, Islam, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and even Bahai's all have what they believe is a relationship with the same God as we do. But we believe that Jesus IS God. We believe that there is no way to have a relationship with God without him.

Someone who says that they believe in God and have a relationship with him is on the right track, but I still think they need Jesus. I think Christianity has to be defines as such. When Jesus said he was the only way to the father, we have to take him seriously if we consider ourselves his followers.

Anyhoo, that's my two sense. Take it or leave it.

erika said...

I think that there is a certain degree of labeling. I mean we are called the elect, the saints - we have a certain degree of seperation from others, and while its not about the label itself, the labels are only there as a way to distinguish and name. So whether we used the labels or not that seperation should still be there, the label is only a way to refer to it. (man, I really didn't say that very well, I hope you know what I mean!)
I think I could looking at the idea of labeling differently than you meant or something too.
but as far as music goes, I agree with you whole heartedly!

Rich Sclafani said...

Thanks Bridget and Erika!

You are so wonderful for engaging in this. Let me say this. I too, like Bridget mentioned do believe that there is more to spirituality then simply talking about God. I do believe in the trinity [Father, Son, & Holy Spirit] and I do believe that Jesus Christ is the ONE true God, that there is no other God before Him, and that He is The Way, Truth, and Life.

But Jesus Christ never called those who believed that he was the Son of God/Messiah "Christians" they were his followers, disciples, apostles, - they let there life speak of who they were followers of. Just like Jews followed the way of there Master or Rabbi - and you could tell by the way they chose to live. If asked they could say I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Or a "Christian."

Don't get me wrong. I do believe that Christ is concerned with the fact that we need to know that HE and He alone is God as seen in the Trinity, but for the most part I don't think a label of Christian is important to him. He is more concerned that we have a life that is following His ways and that is in a personal relationship with Him.

And Erika, I do agree that there is a level of naming. That God calls us to Himself. That He names us his sons and daughters, that He invites us into a family and a Kingdom. But I think that we have taking the naming or labeling to a place of power or a place of privledge. When really I think it is more of God's way of clarifying a blessing. We are blessed to be named one of His children. We are shown mercy and grace in His naming/labeling. Where we as humanity tend to use it as a way of dividing, separating, and distancing. God's naming is more of an invitation to experience a true relationship with someone who knows you perfectly and still loves us. Where as we tend to use labeling/naming as a way of hiding, hurting, and often as a way of pushing others away. Does that make sence?


Rich Sclafani said...

And with this in mind - the label "Christian" music vs. other genres does the same. It says you are either "in" or "out" of a certain labeled group. Aaron Spiro for instance is more than a Christan Music Artist. He is a musician that sings about matters of the heart and soul. Just like Bono, Bob Dylan, Sting, etc. The label separates Aaron's music from Bono's and vice versa when really they are both musicians. Im not saying that all people who believe in "God" are followers of Jesus Christ. I do believe that those who have come to know Jesus Christ in a personal relationship and who have experienced the blessing, grace, and mercy that comes from being called [named/labeled] His children will stand out because they will long to be like Him in the way they live and more importantly in the way they love!

Anonymous said...

great discussion...though, largely about semantics...
bridget, it's "two cents"...just so you know how to visualize the wording next time you use it...go to:''

Rich Sclafani said...

Hey Jer,

Thanks for your comments! I am glad you have enjoyed the conversation. I also appreciate your link to the origins site. On the thought about it all being about semantics. I am not sure I totally get your comment. Are you saying that there is more to it than the semantics we have been discussing and if so what do you think there is? Or are simply stating a fact? I only ask because I know you have thought about this a lot and I would love to know what you think. I don't know how to talk about anything without language [or semantics] coming into play. In fact, I think this is just another way of showing how God uses language for his glory as well. One song to one person is a powerful song that speaks of the Gospel and to another it doesn't. Language always has meaning[s] because it is alway in relationship to others. It is so good to hear from you brother! Can't wait to see you soon!

Bridget Beth said...

oops. Sorry Jer. I know it's cents, I just spelled it wrong by accident. Sometimes happens when you write too much without spell checking.

Anonymous said...

If it sounds like it is about ten years behind then it is Christian music in my opinion. Yeah, we've got exceptions but everything I hear on 105.3 sounds like it is from the early 90s.