Sunday, December 07, 2008

a child dies every 15 seconds due to a lack of clean water...

more from advent conspiracy!

i am so loving this advent season!

i found this to be very powerful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Rich...I know these things,but how easy it is to get wrapped up in our day to day lives and forget. Our visit to a World Vision exhibit started us on the path to sponsor children in Lesotho in Africa. We now help 3 kids. Members of our church have been over on several trips in conjunction with the city of Tacoma to help with clean water and other services. Our pastor felt called to meet with the mayor of Tacoma and started the ball rolling to send our water engineer to Lesotho to help with supplying clean water to the people. Often the way to begin to get things done is by the actions of only one person. You are that person who is thinking beyond yourself today. Keep up the good work