Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tom Brokaw on life and Jr. High...

I thought this was pretty interesting. Having just got a brand new batch of sixth graders moving into my youth ministry I had many ponderings of some of the realities that lie in this. Thanks to Marko for the link. This is a quote from Tom Brokaw at a college graduation commencement. Here are his words to these new graduates. Again, I'd love your thoughts!

Addressing the graduating class of emory university, Tom Brokaw said:

You have been hearing all of your life that this occasion is a big step into what is called the real world. What, you may ask, is that real world all about? What is this new life? Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2005 at Emory, real life is not college; real life is not high school. Here is a secret that no one has told you: Real life is junior high.

The world that you’re about to enter is filled with junior high adolescent pettiness, pubescent rivalries, the insecurities of 13-year-olds, and the false bravado of 14-year-olds. 40 years from now, I guarantee it: You will still make a silly mistake every day. You will have temper tantrums and you’re feelings will be hurt for some trivial sleight. You’ll say something dumb at the wrong time. And you will wonder at least once a week, “Will I ever grow up?” You can change that. In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up. Set a standard, and stay faithful to it.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what I think of this. But I pretty much hated Junior High and wouldn't go back if you paid me and I don't feel that way about my 35-year old life. So? I'm hoping that means I've matured since the 7th grade!!! But I see his point. I want to know what YOU thought.

Anonymous said...

I think this sounds pretty accurate...and who better to say that than a middle school teacher? :) I mean, it's a bummer that we don't often make it much further than middle school, but that's the reality of it all. If you can successfully navigate those years, you're bound to find success in life. I like the challenge he poses at the end of his statement too. We all need to step it up a notch or two!

What do you think Rich?

Rich Sclafani said...

thanks you two. i do think that these words hold a lot of truth. i can't tell you how often people come up to me and say something like this... "I don't know how you do it. I could never work with Jr. High students." or "It really must be a calling that you work with this stage of life."

I find that what Tom says is some accurate words. As a counselor of adults and often of marriages. It is scary how "Jr High-like" adults can be in relationship to one another. I have couples who have been married for 20 years come to me for counseling and it is crazy how childish, selfish, awkward, stubborn, prideful, etc. people can be.

Obviously there are those who have stepped it up and have chosen to be humble, serving, learners/lovers of people, but I find it very interesting how easy it is for people/adults to slip back into what I call "jr. high mode."

I think the bottom line is that one of the reasons jr. high was so crazy for so many is because the realities of the fact that life and relationships are messy and awkward and beautiful and powerful all at the same time is always hard to grapple with no matter what age you are. It is just the first time we start facing that reality. The hope/call I think Tom is pushing is that the reality of life will not change, but we can grow in how we live our lives and how we respond to life.

Ok, enough of the rant! Thanks again for the comments ladies!