Thursday, November 03, 2005


Hey if you have not experienced Relevant Magazine I highly recommend it, but even better is there website! I have had a subscription to there magazine for two years now and love it. Both the site and magazine have great news, articles, resources for spiritual thought and contemplation. They also have great reviews on movies, music, books, and more. But the newest thing they have added is Relevant TV. It is a great way to learn new music, see the videos, and it it much better than kcms. So far this morning, as I write I heard/saw U2, Reliant K, Postal Service, Coldplay, and David Crowder. And what is really cool is that you can have Relavant TV on while you continue your web surfing! Anyways, that is enough of a plug. I hope you like it. You can go to it by clicking here RELEVANT.

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