Thursday, November 17, 2005

Body Prayer Pt. 1

I have just started reading a book by Doug Pagitt called Body Prayer The Posture of Intimacy with God. It has to do with the idea of connecting with God with your body [physically] and your soul [spiritually/relationally] Last night we at The Mix! tryed the "prayer of willingness." This is when you stand, leanning over at the waist as far as you can without moving your feet, letting your sholders, arms, neck, and head all fall forward and hang very loosely - kind of like a ragdoll. The ideas is that of allowing our body to physically represent are willingness to submet to God. The students were excited to learn something new with prayer. It took a bit to get people focused, but overall I thing this is going to be a great book for exploring new ways to connect with God. Here is the prayer that we prayed together [which is also from the book]...

In the Extraordinary that is you,
I breathe.
I breathe and I bend.
I breathe and I bend and I dream
Of seeing your will clearly,
Of following you easily,
Of hearing
Finales to the world's worries
And beginnings to untold stories
Until those whispers are rumbled,
When they resound as Truth echoed by all cells,
I submit to you.

1 comment:

Spiro said...
