Friday, March 13, 2009

Being Missional in Seattle...a conversation with Eugene Cho

Tomorrow CC is hosting Eugene Cho for a conversation on what it means|looks like to be missional in Seattle. He is the pastor of a great Church called Quest.

I know for a while I have felt a great need for the church as a whole to start re.thinking how they/we go about doing church. Moving to the idea of being the church vs. doing church. I will save you from my soapbox for now, but all that to say I'd love your prayers for this conversation to go well. And by well I mean that is simple pushes us all in our thinking and helps us ask some good hard questions about what it means to be the church.

Here is a cool video clip about quest that has Eugene in it.

An Invitation to Quest Church from Quest Church on Vimeo.

Enjoy your Friday!


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