Friday, March 20, 2009's not fair

So I don't know about you all, but there was a time for me when i could eat anything and as much of anything that I wanted and had little to no negative effects. my metabolism was great. these days not so much. i've been trying to be wise with the foods i eat and the amounts of it that i allow into my body. the truth is i have a pretty typical italian man body that is moving into a later stage of life which basically means it all goes to my stomach. lame! to all this i say...

it's not fair!



Wayne said...

Rich: Like you, I continue to be amazed at how little I can eat and still gain weight.

Regarding "it's not fair", Jeremy, Jessica and Naomi will verify one of personal aphorisms is "Life is not fair, and then you die."

Unknown said...

You even look kinda like that guy!
At least you got some years of "eating whatever" before it started to have an effect, eh?